The Executive

The Vancouver Local 846

Executive Committee

President Jennifer Savage
1st Vice-President Chris Zukowsky
2nd Vice-President Steve Carter
Secretary-Treasurer Heather Andrews
Grievance Officer Erin Collins
Education Director Stefanie Neumann
Health & Safety Director Nick Aubichon
Organization Director/Tyler Michael Seney
Recording Secretary/By-laws Chair Maria Arico-Pucovsky
Chief Steward PPC #1 Perry Kumar
Chief Steward PPC #2 Anju Parmar
Chief Steward PPC #3 Karamjit Heer
Chief Steward L/C
LCD1 Denish Bahadur
Chief Steward L/C
Audrey Grant
Chief Steward EXT
MSC Doug Eberhardt
Chief Steward GLT/Gl.Dr.
Deo Raj