NO! to our routes getting longer and longer

NO! to changing Router assignments on a whim

NO! to the erasure of sortation values from the 075 form

NO! to disconnecting carriers from their case strips

NO! to management’s band-aid solutions

Postal Workers say NO! to Separate Sort From Delivery.

It DOES NOT  save floor space or money – but it costs us the time values that we have agreed upon for over 50 years. It costs our backs, our knees, our bodies.

In 2018, Canada Post rammed through it’s first SSD restructure on the west coast at North Fraser Depot. At first, there were 10 routers. Now, despite the rapid expansion of Metrotown and The River District, there are now only 9 routers at North Fraser! How many will your station get under SSD? We don’t know. We don’t know because management has never told us what system they use to determine what an 8 hour work day is for routers, nor how they determine what routers will sort what routes. There has NEVER been consultation at the National, Regional or Local level. Management takes the position that routers are Letter Carrier Assistants, therefore their assignments can be changed at any time with no oversight or input from the Union.

Meanwhile, Letter Carriers are being asked to walk outside longer in the heat, smoke, rain, snow and ice. Carriers at SSD depots never see their actual case strips. Dog warning cards are rarely sorted in. When the Corporation fails to cover routes, they have used routers to sort multiple days of mail together and claim that it’s not overtime. Postal Workers have had ENOUGH. Negotiations are coming and our message is clear: NO to SSD!

Watch your bulletin boards and for the most up-to-date information on how YOU can STAND UP and FIGHT BACK!

In Solidarity,

Jamie McCurrach, Acting President