Saturday, January 30th, 2016

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Vancouver Local Union Hall – 4530 Dawson St., Burnaby, BC

By Skytrain: 1.5 blocks south of Brentwood Skytrain down the stairs off Willingdon Ave.

By Car: turn right down the ramp (after the shop fronts) on Dawson St. to the back of the building

Application Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. (noon)

Unsure about when to retire? This course is designed to help explain the process of retirement, as well as provide key information on your pension plan. Having this information can help you decide when the time is right for you. This course is facilitated by a recently retired member who represented our membership for twelve (12) years as the Elected Representative for All Active Members on the CPC Pension Advisory Council.

Please complete an education application form and mail, fax (604-685-4931), or drop it off at the Hall, to the attention of Stefanie Neumann, Education Director.

Please include your anticipated retirement date on the application form. Priority will be given to those retiring at an earlier date. There are no book-offs available for this course but a light lunch will be served.

Applications available for download HERE.

In Solidarity,

for Stefanie Neumann

Education Director
