National bulletin #5: A Full Frontal Assault On Our Rights

A Full Frontal Assault On Our Rights

Well, the cat’s out of the bag!  The employer has given us its position and discussions are beginning.  This information is far from concrete; it’s a kind of broad propaganda designed to test opinion.  However, there’s enough for us to realize that the employer’s approach in this round of bargaining is a full frontal attack on our rights.  We have to say no to this approach.

Divide and Conquer

When you propose two-tier job security, a wage scale with different levels or make a clear distinction between current and future employees, you’re trying to create division.  We cannot accept this, and we have to make it clear on the work floor.

We Are Proposing a Different Approach

We’re proposing a totally different approach, one that is based on three principles: respect, equality and sharing the benefits of new technology.  Our approach will preserve our rights and allow Canada Post to stay financially self-sufficient.

This is what we’ll show the employer in the next few weeks.  We’ll do so during the representations we’ll be making to the employer and at the three negotiations sub-tables that are starting to meet.  We’ll put forward our program of demands and negotiate on the basis of this program.

In Unity There is Strength

A frontal assault requires a comprehensive response.  Let’s not be overawed by the employer’s propaganda.  We have to say it loud and clear that it’s because of our work the postal service is making money.  We have a say in our future and we’ll say it in unity and with strength.



In Solidarity,

Denis Lemelin
National President and Chief Negotiator