Load and Unload time for Mobiles

Over the last few restructures, the Corporation has been refusing to test the loading and unloading of mail mobiles.

Under Chapter 7 of the Letter Carrier Route Restructuring Manual, the employer is obligated to do a random selection of 20% of the mobile routes, or at a minimum, one route for each type in the station.

The evaluation for the time to load your vehicle is from the time you step away from your case and ends when the vehicle leaves the loading area.  If throughout the day additional time is needed or required for loading your vehicle, that additional time must be captured. 

The following activities should be included in the loading test: 

  • Sequencing of parcels into the delivery order
  • Scanning of parcels before departure
  • Perform spot checks, 1 or 2 of mechanically sequenced mail to ensure that the contents of the trays of mail belong to the route
  • Obtain any bags or containers you will need during your day
  • Loading  and sequencing  of relays
  • Moving all the mail from your cart or bakers rack to the vehicle
  • Returning your racks back to your staging area
  • Walking back to vehicle 

These are the majority of movements that should be captured but is not limited to only these items.  If there are other movements that are required to load your vehicle for deliveries, these have to be captured as well. 

In addition to loading the vehicle, there is an unloading test that should be completed using the same criteria prior to the disposal of the vehicle.  All mail should be unloaded and any mail you have collected and you need to deposit in the station, needs to be timed.  This also includes any time you need to empty your satchel. 

The information should be found on the 098 of your route package and needs to be provided to you by your supervisor if you want to review it. 

Currently the Corporation is using the old data from the old routes and has refused to test these routes even after they have been built.  We need members to file grievances on their routes to protect your over-assessment payment, once a proper test is done. 

If you need help reviewing your route documents please ask a steward for help.

In Solidarity,
Pat Bertrand
1st Vice-President
