Vaccine Practice Hearings on the Merit

December 15, 2021

Since the arbitrator did not issue a cease-and-desist order (similar to an injunction) as per our application regarding Canada Post Corporation’s vaccination practice, the next step is for an arbitrator to hear the merit of the case by way of priority.

The cease-and-desist application asks an arbitrator to rule on whether the practice shall be suspended while grievances are heard on the merit. The questions that will be put to an arbitrator (or the scope) on the merit will be broader and different than the narrow criteria used for a cease-and-desist application.

We now have hearing dates scheduled for arguments on the merit, the first one on December 16, followed by January 6 and 18. We are also looking to reserve further dates if necessary.

This means CUPW will present, to arbitrator Joliffe, our evidence, and arguments on why the practice should be rescinded as we feel it violates our members’ rights in the workplace.

Meanwhile, our Locals are dealing with a lot of work and responsibilities and with high tension and frustration over the ongoing pandemic and the application of the vaccine practice.

We appreciate the work that local executives and Health and Safety committees are taking on – in many cases well beyond the workload they signed up for in the first place. Your Local officers, stewards, and committee members are trying hard to support you and all your co-workers don’t be afraid to let them know you appreciate it.

Fighting for your rights means we need each other – this is a difficult issue, but we must not let it divide us. We are working to keep each other safe and toward ending the pandemic. We can have diverse opinions and debates about how to get there, but in the end, we all live and work together towards the same goal: a safe workplace. We need our collective strength to do this in a way that respects everybody. Solidarity, patience, and tolerance are essential to this effort.

In solidarity,

Carl Girouard
National Grievance Officer

2019-2023 / Bulletin # 325
/bk cope 225