Recently, I was informed by a member, about their unpleasant interaction with Mr. Dorian, Superintendent Shift 1, in the PPC parking lot.

Mr. Dorian who was awarded the title of Safety Ambassador and a coveted parking spot, acted disrespectfully during his interaction with a member. Mr. Dorian not only approached this member who had parked in the designated parking spot in an aggressive & unprofessional manner, but also blocked the member’s car with his car so they could not leave. Mr. Dorian who “supposedly” won the Safety Ambassador Program should have been promoting safety, rather than focusing their energy towards the CONVENIENCE OF A PARKING SPOT!”  In saying that, the safety ambassador became the BULLY standing and berating our member in public, rather than acting as an ambassador of safety – could the contest be rigged?

Following the altercation the member was visually shaken up. It didn’t stop there, this so called Ambassador of Safety directed shift 3 management to intervene and give this member a 24 hour notice of interview to discuss the member’s alleged disrespectful behavior. Proving once again that CPC management have little understanding surrounding safety and bullying.

I the undersigned, brought this issue to PPC director Laura Liberty. She agreed to meet with this member and myself to discuss this issue further. Ms. Liberty suggested a meeting with Mr. Dorian, to which this member agreed. In the meeting, the Corporation did not offer Union representation and stacked the room with 3 members of Management. The Corporation later stated that they wanted this matter to be resolved by way of the member accepting responsibility for their behavior and offering an apology. Mr. Dorian was directed by his bosses to reciprocate. CPC also stated that the member would not have a letter for the incident placed on their file. This incident reminds us all that PPC management, rather than promoting safety they made the issue about the parking spot.

I would like to remind everyone the Union does not support the Safety Ambassador Program at the PPC. This was initiated by a PPC Management and has been opposed by both the National and Local LJOSH committees.  PPC Management unilaterally decided to carry on with this program! This incident demonstrates yet again, that safety takes a back seat to pride, accolades and even ideology. The Union takes the health and safety of its members seriously. We advocate for safe working conditions aimed at improving our work environment not degrading it. We are all Safety ambassadors. If they want to reward safety then they must reward all of us equally because only together are we safe!

In Solidarity

Anju Parmar
3rd Vice President