Denis Lemelin responds to Lorne Gunter

Letter to the Editor:

Lorne Gunter argues that we really don’t need the post office and it should be privatized (“If postal workers strike, no one will care, National Post  Full comment, April 19).

Mr Gunter is entitled to his opinion, but it is not the prevailing point of view.  All major political parties oppose privatization, including the current government.  When Mr. Gunter dismisses the person who delivers his mail as a “glorified overpaid flyer deliverer” of his investment updates as well as ads targeted at wealthy people for retirement condos and vacations, he should consider that there are other households and other postal codes in Canada besides his.

Mr. Gunter doesn’t care and neither do the people who pay him well to attack unionized workers.  Fortunately, most Canadians are not like Mr. Gunter.  Many of us still value our public post office, a service that remains profitable with one of the lowest postal rates in the industrialized world.  And most of us still want to live in a fairer, more equal society rather than a society where a “dimple-faced preteen paid minimum wage” sets the bar for labour standards.

Denis Lemelin

National President